I am looking for a leak-free heater matrix for the A310 V6 and leak-free heater valve if anyone has either or knows of sources. The local Renault dealer advises that both are no longer available.
I've checked and Simon Auto do both and Mecaparts do the valve only.
That's precisely what I've been trying to ascertain, without any luck so far. The only one I know that is similar in appearance is the one in the Renault 12. As you probably know, if you've looked behind the fan and the covers, the heater is long and narrow not the more conventional rectangular shape.
A radiator place I contacted yesterday has just emailed to say they could do it if I sent photos and dimensions. I'll see how they react when I send photos.
Their reaction was a silly price so I am still searching.
I've learnt since that, in addition to the Renault 12 the heaters in the Renault 15, 16 & 17 are similar. May only need a little adjustment of hoses. Anyone have one?
I now have located and purchased a Renault 16 heater matrix from a guy in the RCCC (cross-club contacts can be very useful).
The matrix core is basically the same, dimensionally, as that on the A310. The outlet connection orientation is different but it should be possible to rearrange the hose at that end to suit. The R16 heater also has a vent connection which is not present on the A310 heater as the A310 vents from the outlet hose. I will either plug the R16 vent or pipe it out of the heater box as an additional vent.